当一只猫生气的时候,它往往把它的背拱起来,嘴里还发出呼呼的声音,显得它随时准备施展它那爪子的威力。美国一个常用语就出自猫的这种形像。 这个常用语就是:to get one's back up。To get one's back up就是生气的意思。下面这句话是一个妻子在说他的丈夫:
"One thing really gets my back up -- the way my husband leaves his clothes on the bed or on the floor so I have to pick them up all the time."
"And there's one thing that really gets my back up: my wife nagging at me to hang my clothes up as soon as I walk in the house at night after a hard day at the office."
n.(车站、 广场等处的)书报摊, 音乐台, 广告亭, 公共电话间, 问讯处, 机器房
Soon Mr.Ho will install an iron gate across the side entrance to his 10-by-4-foot stall, and then he says he will be able to sleep again. But just as he is saying this, a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the proprietor nearly jumps out of his skin.