今天我们要介绍的俗语是 like a bolt out of the blue。Bolt 是闪电,blue 在这儿是指蓝色的天空。 Like a bolt out of the blue 的意思就是晴天霹雳,也就是出乎意外、没料想到。有时,你花几个小时也解不开一道数学题。可是,当你不再去想它的时候,你脑子里突然出现了答案。人们还经常用 like a bolt out of the blue 来形容车祸。请听下面这句句子:
"A driver may testify that he was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop."
"The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much he would stay until he retired."
for the thousand and first time
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