英语原文FBI plans large hiring blitz of agents, expertsWanted by the FBI: agents, language specialists, computer experts,...2009-01-08 编辑:echo 标签:
英语原文Smith is top box office drawThe star of Hancock and Men in Black topped the annual poll of cinema owners and film...2009-01-07 编辑:echo 标签:
每日新闻(1.6):奥巴马就职在即 “防撞衫网站”助阵
英语原文Website saves fashion faux pas at Obama inaugurationA new website hopes to save guests at president-elect Barack ...2009-01-06 编辑:echo 标签:
中国总理温家宝的名字近日出现在了美国知名社交网站FACEBOOK上,并获得超过1.3万名支持者。温总理已成为该网站最受欢迎政治名人之一。 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, hugely popular at h...2009-01-05 编辑:echo 标签:
Baby girl born on US-bound flight Sasha became unexpected passenger number 125 en route to BostonA Ugandan woman has ...2009-01-04 编辑:echo 标签:
Dozens die in Bangkok nightclub At least 59 people have been killed in a fire in a nightclub in the Thai capital, Ban...2009-01-02 编辑:echo 标签:
每日新闻(1.1):佩林获选最佳明星邻居 布兰妮垫底
英语原文Sarah Palin most desirable celebrity neighborIf they had to live next door to a celebrity, American adults would ...2009-01-01 编辑:echo 标签:
每日新闻(12.31):劳拉赞布什天生运动员 躲鞋子身手矫健
英语原文Laura: Shoe-throwing 'was an assault'First Lady Laura Bush wasn't amused when an Iraqi reporter th...2008-12-31 编辑:echo 标签:
每日新闻(12.30):墨西哥选美皇后涉毒被捕 丢失桂冠
英语原文Beauty queen stripped of titleLaura Zuniga, the Mexican beauty queen jailed after she was picked up with an alleg...2008-12-30 编辑:echo 标签:
中国海军护航编队举行“走向大洋”宣誓仪式Chinese sailors aboard warships pledge allegiance to country, mission The three-ship task force...2008-12-29 编辑:echo 标签:
经济危机使全球圣诞节日销售萧条,这使得德国一个向来对圣诞消费主义不满的组织很高兴。德国”无圣诞老人区“运动近年来矢志要恢复圣诞老人的“原貌”,恢复圣诞真谛,但成效甚微,未曾想今年却因为一场经济危机而有2008-12-28 编辑:echo 标签:
英语原文Queen Elizabeth sees a sombre Christmas for manyWorries about the global economy and violence across the world ha...2008-12-27 编辑:echo 标签: