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新版大学英语综合教程第三册 UNIT8-2

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我们希望子女像我们自己。即使是采用捐赠卵子或捐赠精子的夫妇也要查找精子捐献人名录,以发现与自己相像的人。若干年前,琳达· 帕斯坦写的一首题为《致离家的女儿》的诗曾出现在纽约地铁的墙上,诗中写道:



9 Cloning brings us face-to-face with what it means to be human and makes us confront both the privileges and limitations of life itself. It also forces us to question the powers of science. Is there, in fact, knowledge that we do not want? Are there paths we would rather not pursue?

10 The time is long past when we can speak of the purity of science, divorced from its consequences. If any needed reminding that the innocence of scientists was lost long ago, they need only recall the comments of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the genius who was a father of the atomic bomb and who was transformed in the process from a supremely confident man, ready to follow his scientific curiosity, to a humbled and troubled soul, wondering what science had let loose.

11 Before the bomb was made, Oppenheimer said, "When you see something that is technically sweet you go ahead and do it." After the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in a chilling speech delivered in 1947, he said: "The physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose."

12 As with the atom bomb, cloning is complex, multi-layered in its threats and its promises. It offers the possibility of real scientific advances that can improve our lives and save them. In medicine, scientists dream of using cloning to reprogram cells so we can make our own body parts for transplantation. Suppose, for example, you needed a bone marrow transplant. Some deadly forms of leukemia can be cured completely if doctors destroy your own marrow and replace it with healthy marrow from someone else. But the marrow must be a close genetic match to your own. If not, it will lash out at you and kill you. Bone marrow is the source of the white blood cells of the immune system. If you have someone else's marrow, you'll make their white blood cells. And if those cells think you are different from them, they will attack.
如同原子弹一样,克隆技术带来的威胁与希望是复杂的、 多层面的。它提供了改善生活、拯救生命的真正科学进步的可能性。在医学上,科学家梦想着运用克隆技术改编细胞的编码指令程序,这样我们就可以制造出我们自己身体的某些部分进行移植。比如说,假定你需要进行骨髓移植。如果医生摧毁你自身的骨髓,用他人的健康骨髓来取代,某些致命的白血病就能得到彻底的医治。但骨髓的属型必须与你自己的相匹配。不然的话,移植的骨髓就会向你发起进攻,置你于死地。骨髓是免疫系统的白细胞的来源。如果你获得别人的骨髓,你就会造出别人的白细胞。如果这些白细胞认定你与它们不同,它们就会发起进攻。

13 But suppose, instead, that scientists could take one of your cells -- any cell -- and merge it with a human egg. The egg would start to divide, to develop, but it would not be permitted to divide more than a few times. Instead, technicians would bathe it in proteins that direct primitive cells, embryo cells, to become marrow cells. What started out to be a clone of you could grow into a batch of your marrow -- the perfect match.

14 More difficult, but not inconceivable, would be to grow solid organs, like kidneys or livers, in the same way.

15 Another possibility is to create animals whose organs are perfect genetic matches for humans. If you need a liver, a kidney, or even a heart, you might be able to get one from a specially designed pig clone.

16 The possibilities are limitless, scientists say, and so, some argue, we should stop focusing on our hypothetical fears and think about the benefits that cloning could bring.





