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新版大学英语综合教程第四册 UNIT5-2

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The attack was fierce, without mercy, leaving Blindy handicapped for life. Yet Blindy wanted no pity. He had taken his revenge.

A Man of the World

Ernest Hemingway

1 The blind man knew the sounds of all the different machines in the Saloon. I don't know how long it took him to learn the sounds of the machines but it must have taken him quite a time because he only worked one saloon at a time. He worked two towns though and he would start out of The Flats along after it was good and dark on his way up to Jessup. He'd stop by the side of the road when he heard a car coming and their lights would pick him up and either they would stop and give him a ride or they wouldn't and would go on by on the icy road. (1) It would depend on how they were loaded and whether there were women in the car because the blind man smelled plenty strong and especially in winter. But someone would always stop for him because he was a blind man.


2 Everybody knew him and they called him Blindy, which is a good name for a blind man in that part of the country, and the name of the saloon that he threw his trade to was The Pilot. Right next to it was another saloon, also with gambling and a dining room, that was called The Index. Both of these were the names of mountains and they were both good saloons with old-days bars and the gambling was about the same in one as in the other except you ate better in The Pilot probably. Blindy probably preferred The Pilot because the machines were right along the left-hand wall as you came in and faced the bar. This gave him better control over them than he would have had at The Index where they were scattered on account it was a bigger place with more room. On this night it was really cold outside and he came in with icicles on his mustache and he didn't look really very good. (2) Even his smell was froze but that wasn't for very long and he started to put out almost as soon as the door was shut. It was always hard for me to look at him but I was looking at him carefully because I knew he always rode and I didn't see how he would be frozen up so bad. Finally I asked him.

3 "Where you walk from, Blindy?"
4 "Willie Sawyer put me out of his car down below the railway bridge. There weren't no more cars come and I walked in."
5 "What did he put you afoot for?" somebody asked.
6 "Said I smelled too bad."

7 Somebody hit on a machine but it wasn't any heavy hit. Blindy moved on it just the same. It was a quarter machine and the young fellow who was playing it gave him a quarter sort of reluctantly. Blindy felt it before he put it in his pocket.

8 "Thank you," he said. "You'll never miss it."
9 The young fellow said, "Nice to know that," and put a quarter back in the machine and pulled down again.
10 He hit again but this time pretty good and he scooped in the quarters and gave a quarter to Blindy.
11 "Thanks," Blindy said, "You're doing fine."
12 "Tonight's my night," the young fellow who was playing said. “多谢了,”他说。“你准会赢的。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

yell [jel]


v. 大叫
n. 大喊

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

mustache [mə'stɑ:ʃ, 'mʌstæʃ]


n. 胡子,髭

gouge [gaudʒ]


n. 圆凿,沟,以圆凿刨 v. 用圆凿子削除,挖出,欺骗

revenge [ri'vendʒ]


n. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯






