Okay, so I believed her. Sort of. Who, in her supposed condition, could cover a baseball team without the best equipment and help? I was curious, so I asked if I could drive over to see her. She agreed, giving me detailed directions involving farm roads and streets with no names.
I drove east across the stark Texas landscape. On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals, I spotted what looked like an old tool shed.
But it wasn't a shed. It was a house, a decaying shanty surrounded by tall grass and junk.
Could this be right?
A woman in an old T-shirt and skirt emerged.
“I'm Sarah's mother,” said Lois Morris, grabbing my smooth hand with a worn one. “She's waiting for you.”
I walked out of the sunlight, opened a torn screen door and moved into the shadows, where an 87-pound figure was curled up in a wheelchair.
Her limbs twisted. Her head rolled. We could not hug. We could not even shake hands. She could only stare at me and smile.
But that smile! It cut through the gloom of the battered wooden floor, the torn couch and the cobwebbed windows.
I could bear to look at nothing else, so I stared at that smile, and it was so clear, so certain, it even cut through most of my doubts. But still, I wondered. This is Sarah Morris?
She began shaking in her chair, emitting sounds. I thought she was coughing.
她开始在轮椅里摇晃,嘴里发出声音。我以为她在咳嗽。 She was, instead, speaking. Her mother interpreted. “I want to show you something,” Sarah said.
Lois rolled her up to an old desk on cinder blocks. On the desk was a computer. Next to it was a TV. Her mother fastened a head pointer around her daughter's temples.
Sarah leaned over the computer and used her pointer to call up a story on the Dodger Place website. Peck by peck, she began adding to that story.
She looked up and giggled. I looked down in wonder — and shame.
This was indeed Sarah Morris. The great Sarah Morris.