I failed to take into account, however, that few such openings exist in the first place. More important, I quickly found out that I was competing with a great many other individualswho not only possessed the same talents as I but also held doctorates. Not finding work atcolleges, these doctors of classics had turned to the private high schools, the traditional haven of bachelor's degree holders like me. But no headmaster is going to hire a youngste with a BA, when he can just as easily have a Ph.D. desperate for a job, and for only a little more money.
Ignoring this detail, I went through the process of sending out some 30 letters of inquiry to private schools. I received perhaps ten replies, with two schools saying that they might have an opening. I had the good fortune of being granted one interview.
The school was in Oakland , and since I had neither the time nor the money to make the journey in a leisurely way, I arranged to fly up and back on the same day. For my efforts I was given a 20-minute interview (during which the headmaster did most of the talking) and was taken on a brief tour of the campus. I realized I should have stayed at home when the interview opened with this question: "You're getting your MA?"A few weeks later, I was informed that the position had been filled. It was December, and I abandoned the hunt.
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/daxue/201609/466858.shtml