I always like to watch her, but I have to be careful. I'm afraid she'd get angry and move away if she catches me at it, and then I won't have anyone, because she's my only real friend, even if she doesn't know it. I'm all alone in New York City and I guess I'm kind of shy and don't make friends easily. The fellows in the bank are all right but they have their own lives to lead, and besides, I can't ask anyone to come up to a furnished room; so they go their way and I go mine.
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The city is getting me. It's too big and noisy --- too many people for a fellow who's all by himself. I can't seem to get used to it. I'm used to the quiet of a small New Hampshirefarm but there isn't any future on a New Hampshire farm any more: so after I was discharged from the Navy, I applied for this position in the bank and I got it. I suppose it's a goodbreak but I'm kind of lonesome.

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