Experiments have been carried out to investigate the connection between intentionally inflictedpain and dreaming. For example, a sleeper pricked with a pin perhaps dreams of fighting a battle and receiving a severe sword wound.Although the dream is stimulated by the physical discomfort, the actual events of the dream depend on the associations of the discomfort in the mind of the sleeper.
A dreamer's eyes often move rapidly from side to side. Since people born blind do not dream visually and do not show this eye activity, it is thought that the dreamer may be scanning the scene represented in his dream. If a sleeper is roused every time his eyes begin to move faster, actually depriving him of his dreams, he will make more eye movements the following night. Thus, a certain amount of dreaming seems to be a human requirement.
People differ greatly in their claims to dreaming. Some say they dream every night, others only very occasionally. Individual differences probably exist, but some people immediately forget dreams and others have good recall.
Superstition and magical practices thrive on the supposed power of dreams to foretell the future. Instances of dreams which have later turned out to be predicting have often been recorded, some by men of the highest intellectual integrity. Although it is better to keep an open mind on the subject, it is true that the power of dreams to predict future events still remains unproved.
迷信和巫术由于据认为梦有预示未来的力量而兴盛。 事后表明是预示未来的梦例常被记录下来,有些还是由才智非凡的人所记录。尽管对这个问题以不抱成见为宜,但无可置疑的是,梦能预示未来这一点迄今仍未得到证实。