"I didn't think anything more about the affair until the very next afternoon when it was clearly brought back to my mind. My floor manager came to me and told me that John Rossiter hadjust come in, and had gone to the gambling room, and was playing at one of the tables. As arule I never mix in with what happens outside, but this made me pretty mad, so I walked outthere myself. "I went straight up to him and said: 'May I speak to you a minute?'And when wewere off in a corner away from the crowd, I asked him what he meant by coming into my place."
"'I want to know what this means, 'I demanded. 'Your wife came to see me yesterday morning and told me about your troubles and about your losing thirty thousand dollars here on Wednesday, and I gave her back the money you'd lost on one condition and that was that you were never to enter my doors again. Now, what do you mean by coming here?'"
Rossiter looked at me for a moment. Then he said:
"'Why, Mr. Whitney, there must be some mistake. I'm not married!'"
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/daxue/201611/463296.shtml