Those of us who succumbed to short cuts have centuries' worth of company. Two and a half millennia ago, Plato saw our tendency to seek the easy way out. "He noted that people would use cosmetics to make themselves look better rather than improve themselves with the efforts of gymnastics," says Elizabeth Asmis, PhD, a classics professor at the University of Chicago.
屈服于捷径的人自古有之。2500年前,柏拉图就看到了人类寻求捷径的趋势。“他指出,比起通过体育运动锻炼身体来,人们更愿意用化妆品去改善自己的相貌,”芝加哥大学的一位 古典学教授伊丽莎白·阿斯米斯博士这样说。
Not much has changed since, except that our opinions have multiplied. We can trace the American penchant for self-improvement at least partly to our unique history. Our continent was settled by people in a rush to reinvent themselves, and as self-betterment became a national preoccupation, entrepreneurs made fortunes by guaranteeing instant enhancements—often at the expense of their customers' health. Well into the 1930s, patent medicines promised youthful pep and vigor without noting that they contained cocaine; and beauty preparations guaranteed whiter complexions without mentioning that the active ingredients were poisonous lead, sulfur, arsenic or mercury. Today, government regulations try to protect our well-being, but the seductive claims still thrive: A New Body in One Day! Flatter Abs in Five Minutes! Face Lift in a Jar! Fast!! Easy!! Convenient!!
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/daxue/201702/492590.shtml