How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?
1. Drugs. Gore Vidal
It is possible to stop most drug addiction in the United States within a very short time. Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost. Label each drug with a precise description of what effect the drug will have on the taker. This will require heroic honesty. Don't say that marijuana is addictive and dangerous when it is neither—unlike "speed," which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick.
For the record, I have tried almost every drug and liked none, disproving the popular theory that a whiff of opium will enslave the mind. Nevertheless many drugs are bad and they should be told why in a sensible way.
Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the United States was the creation of men who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere with his neighbor's pursuit of happiness.
Now one can hear the warning rumble begin: if everyone is allowed to take drugs everyone will and we shall end up a race of Zombies. Alarming thought. Yet, it seems most unlikely that any reasonably sane person will become a drug addict if he knows in advance what addiction is going to be like.