1. Einstein's universe is not the work of a mechanic, but of an artisan. ����˹̹�����治�dz����ڼ�ʦ���֣����dz����ڵ������֮�֡�
2. PROF. : And how do they fit together with an artisan violin-maker in a tuxedo? ��ô������Ǻ�һ������β��������С���ٵĹ�����ϵ��һ��
3. Most North American artisan potters now purchase commercially processed clay, but some find the clay they need right in the earth close to where they work. ���ڴ�������������������ֳɵ�ר��������Ҳ��Щ�ս����ھ͵�ȡ�ģ������������Լ���ճ����
1. a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
artisan ��;
Artisan Entertainment ���ֹ�˾;