1. Juventus are eyeing FC Basle midfielder Ivan Rakitic. �����������й�ע�������г������������档
2. Critics regard Basle II as a regulatory nightmare that will impose excessively high costs on smaller banks, particularly in Asia. ������ʿ��Ϊ�����ʱ�Э����һ�����ج�Σ���ģ��С�����У��ر�����������������˳е����ߵijɱ���
3. The combinatorial innovation reveals the unity of succession and development, as well as a basle notion and method of innovation. ��ʾ����ϴ��¾��Ǽ̳��뷢չ��ͳһ����һ�ִ��µĻ�������ͷ�����