1. These verbs all refer to allaying another's anger, belligerence, discontent, or agitation. To. ��Щ���ʶ�����ָ�����������һ����ŭ������ս�ԡ��������ǡ�
2. Yet the West is right to respond firmly to Russia's new belligerence by refusing to recognise the new states. ��Ȼ����Ӧ�öԶ���˹�µ�������Ϊ����ǿӲ�ķ�Ӧ���Ǿ��Ǿܾ������������¹��ҡ�
3. The striking worker appears to be handcuff to a position of belligerence from which they cannot extricate themselves. �չ��Ĺ����ƺ��������ڽ�ս״̬�������ܴ��н��ѳ�����
1. hostile or warlike attitude or nature
2. a natural disposition to be hostile