1. A girl's piercing scream dissolved into a cacophony of shouts and cries. һ��Ů���̶��ļ���������ҵĺ����������ӻ����һ��
2. Silence is the basic ingredient for entering into our intuitive mind and to resist the cacophony of meaningless noises outside. ��Ĭ�ǽ��뵽����ֱ���ľ�������͵�������������������Ļ���Ҫ�ء�
3. But there is much disturb and cacophony on power line, using commonly communication"s mode is difficult to attain reliability"s demand. �������ڵ������ϵĸ��ż������Ƚϴ�����ͨ��ͨ�ż������Ѵﵽ�ɿ��Ե�Ҫ��
1. a loud harsh or strident noise
2. loud confusing disagreeable sounds