1. You created a deification and a miracle. �㴴����һ����������һ���漣��
2. They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism. ������ռ��ѧ�ײ㣬����ʮ����ͼ�����ļ���ɲ�˹�˵��������̼���
3. The distinctive characteristic of traditional energetic culture made inheritance process to perform characteristics of blood relationship and deification. ��ͳ�����Ļ��Ķ�����ʹ���й����γ���ѪԵ�Ժ����Ե��ص㡣
1. the condition of being treated like a god
2. an embodiment of the qualities of a god
3. the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god)
deification ����;
the Legend of Deification �����;
What is the meaning of the deification of the universe (��Ϊ����ʥ��֮��Ϊ)?;