1. One of the most common drugs is tincture of iodine, a solution of the mineral iodine in alcohol. һ�������ҩ���ǵ�ƣ������ľƾ���Һ�����ǰ������ڵ��˺Ͳ��˴���ֹ��Ⱦ��
2. Already the hospitals were worrying about the scarcity of quinine, calomel, opium, chloroform and iodine. ����ҽԺ�Ѿ���Ϊȱ���������ʹ���ѻƬ�����¡���Ƶȵȶ����
3. The absorption spectrum of iodine was recorded in the visible region using a HRD1 Double Grating Monochromator. ������HRD-1��˫��դ��ɫ�Ǽ�¼�˵�����ڿɼ�����������չ��ס�
1. a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in
2. a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol; applied topically to wounds as an an