1. At this point, his image began to lose its magnetism for her. ��������һ�㣬��������Ҳ��ʼʧȥ�˶���������������
2. Crystal habit, luster, color, streak, cleavage, fracture, fluorescence, phosphorescence, specific gravity and magnetism. ����ϰ�ԡ�������ɫ�����ۡ�������������ӫ�⡢�⡢���غʹ��ԡ�
3. Nickel is the most fundamental component in every nickle catalyst and has the great magnetism, so every nickel catalyst has magnetism. ��Ϊ��������Ҫ�ɷֵ�����һ�ֽ�ǿ�Ĵ������ʣ�������е������������д��ԡ�
1. attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields o
2. the branch of science that studies magnetism