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mercenary ['mə:sinəri]



    adj. ��Ӷ�ģ�Ψ����ͼ��
    n. ��Ӷ����Ψ����ͼ��



    1. The mercenary, too, could not hide his surprise.
    2. 'In the most mercenary way, it's friends for hire.
    3. I vowed never to ally myself with anyone who would have lordship over me - after seeing what happened to my father - and have been a mercenary ever since.


      1. a person hired to fight for another country than their own
      2. marked by materialism
      3. used of soldiers hired by a foreign army
      4. profit oriented


    ��Ӷ��; Ӷ��; Ψ����ͼ��; �ܹ͵�;
    Medieval Mercenary
    �����͹�Ӷ��; ����Ӷ��; ��������ʿ����;
    The Mercenary
    mercenary army
    ��Ӷ��; ������������ľ���;
    Mercenary Ribault


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