1. But why do we do that: overbid at public auctions? 但我们为什么要这样做呢,为什么在公开拍卖中出价过高?
2. In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbid ding quiets. 在旧金山,高价抢购现象虽然销声匿迹了,可价格依旧看涨。
3. You've intentionally overbid a project because you can sniff out a bad client from a mile away. 你故意叫高价,因为一英里以外你就嗅出了这个客户很糟糕。
1. a bid that is higher than preceding bids
2. (bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent's bid (especially when your partner has not bid at v.
1. to bid for more tricks than one can expect to win,
2. bid more than the object is worth