1. The metaphors of darkness are overwhelmingly negative: danger, decay, and death. �ڰ�����������������������Σ�ա�˥�ܡ���������
2. Recognizing the threat to our country, the United States Congress voted overwhelmingly last year to support the use of force against Iraq. �������ᣬ��ʶ�����ǹ������ٵ���в����ȥ���Ծ��Զ���Ʊ����֧���������Ը������ˡ�
3. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. �ҵ�һ�������ּ�ȴ���ޱ�ǿ�ҵļ��������ƣ����Ŀ�������֪ʶ��̽���Ͷ���������������Ƶ�ͬ�顣