1. When the promiscuous cousins have sex, there are no strings attached, and no cuddling afterwards. 在滥交的表亲性交时,没有任何异性间的那种兴奋
2. This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits. 这种兔子在澳大利亚和新西兰没有天敌,因而它就以兔子混杂放纵的特性繁殖起来。
3. But such men are also more promiscuous and do not care as much about long-term relationships, leaving women to raise their kids alone. 但是与此同时,这类男性也更会拈花惹草,并且不在意长期关系,而将孩子丢给女性独自抚养。
1. not selective of a single class or person
2. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior