1. If you are blind, you might want to clear this check box or selectively download sounds so that they do not interfere with a screen reader reading text aloud. 如果您是盲人,可以清除此复选框或有选择地下载声音文件,以保证声音文件不干扰屏幕阅读器朗读文字时发出的声音。
2. In selectively choosing where one dines out and dining only in such types of restaurants, one can have a magical meal in which one is also waited upon and cooked for. 在选择你外出吃饭的地点和只在这种类型的饭店里用餐时,你能有一个魔力用餐,在其中你也能被侍候和为你烹饪。
3. Unlike link encryption, where one key is applied to all data traversing a given connection, packet encryption allows keys to be applied selectively to designated packets. 与链路加密不同,一个密钥加在了给定连接上通过的所有数据,而包加密可使多个密钥有选择地加在指定的包上。