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shading ['ʃeidiŋ]



    n. ���ƣ��ڱΣ�����������Ӱ����������Ӱ



    1. Support for Cell shading & patterns.
    2. Whole Plant:Woven Bag, Cement Bag, Jumbo Bag, Tarpaulin, Plastic Bag, Plastic Film, Plastic Rope, Agriculture Net, Shading Net.
    3. Standard material has a diffuse shading model that does an excellent job of rendering solid, non reflective objects such as plastic, ceramic, and so on.


      1. graded markings that indicate light or shaded areas in a drawing or painting
      2. a gradation involving small or imperceptible differences between grades


    ��Ӱ; ���滭�ġ���������; ɫ��; ����;
    shading adjustment
    �ڰ߲���; ���壺�ڵ����,�ڵ㲹��; �ڰ߲���,������ƽ����;
    shading generator
    shading ring
    ���λ�; ��λ�; ��; �ּ���;
    Flat Shading
    ƽ����ɫ; ƽ����������; ƽ����ɫ��ָ�õ�һ�ġ��̶�����ɫ��ͼԪ��ɫ����������ͼԪ�Ϲ⻬�ز�ֵ��ɫ��; ƽ̹��Ӱ;


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