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sill [sil]



    n. ��̨����ʯ���ż�������ɽ��


    1. Yet sill we struggle to make a difference, to change the world, to dream of hope.
    2. Sit straight , in high spirit , like a goose . Stand sill , by the wind , like a pine.
    3. This paper briefly introduces the enlargement, deepening and strengthening of ground sill foundation for certain causation.


      1. structural member consisting of a continuous horizontal timber forming the lowest member of a framew
      2. (geology) a flat (usually horizontal) mass of igneous rock between two layers of older sedimentary r


    �ż�; ��̨; Strategy Inventory for Language Learning; �Ҵ�;
    door sill
    �ż�; �ſ�; ����; �ż�,�ſ�,�ſ�;
    dock sill
    ���; �����; ��������; ����׼�;
    head sill
    sill drift


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