1. Karma will skew dreams in one direction or another. ҵ������������Ǹ�����ƫб���롣
2. This problem can be avoided by using three components which produce a skew symmetrical path curve. ʹ�������ܲ������Գ���·�����ߵ�Ԫ�������ɱ����������⡣
3. If the focus within the script of the play or movie is less than peaceful or loving, it will skew your personal script in another direction than intended. ����籾���Ӱ�ľ籾�Dz�����ƽ�ģ���ô���ͻὫ��ĸ��˾籾ƫб����һ������������Ը�ķ�����ȥ��
1. turn or place at an angle
2. having an oblique or slanting direction or position
Skew �;
Skew control Ť��У��������ʧ����;