1. When I met him, he was spieling about his articles. 我遇见他时,看见他正在兜售他的货物。
2. The salesman gave a long spiel about why we should buy his product. 推销员口若悬河,说我们应该买他的东西。
3. Reason to believe adds substance to what you're saying and assures potential customers there is more to what you offer glib marketing spiel . 可靠的理由可以让你的诉求更具体,还可以让潜在顾客相信,公司能给顾客的,不会只是浮夸的广告辞藻。
1. plausible glib talk (especially useful to a salesperson)
2. replay (as a melody)
3. speak at great length (about something)