1. greatest scenic color lighting square, square area of nearly 6 thousand square meters, the square of the bonfire on the evening to accommodate thousands of people;

2. Be like " milt of square · of a thousand pieces of gold square " areca comes loose, " skill square " fruit of citron or trifoliate orange comes loose, " bureau square " bolus of the sum stomach, …

3. Be like " milt of square · of a thousand pieces of gold square " areca comes loose, " skill square " fruit of citron or trifoliate orange comes loose, " bureau square " bolus of the sum stomach, …

4. And these bulk cargo value are higher, supply square, carry square, purchase square not only the requirement is metric, and ask metric precision reaches trade balance level.

5. And the last square, to the immediate left of the current square, is checked to see if the G score is any lower if you go through the current square to get there.
