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sward [swɔ:d]



    n. �ݵأ���Ƥ
    vt. �������ϲ�Ƥ
    vi. ��Ϊ�ݵ�



    1. The playground of football has been swarded.
    2. The actual returns from fertilizer on a particular farm vary with soil type, management system and composition of the sward.
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    3. The Mole ran quickly to comfort the little animal; but Rat, lingering, looked long and doubtfully at certain hoof-marks deep in the sward.


      1. surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots


    �ݵ�; ��Ƥ; �̲�Ƥ; ��ԭ;
    alpine sward
    grass sward
    sward renovation
    gren sward
    ��ԭ; �ݵ�;


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