1. Grovyle: I needed to take them to Temporal Tower and put them in place. 森林蜥蜴:我需要把它们拿到时间之塔去,放到特定的位置。
2. Time: The Arcanum that governs divination, prophecy and temporal acceleration/deceleration. 时间:主宰占卜、预言与时间加速/减速的奥秘。
3. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. 妳的财富、名望和世俗的权力都将变成细枝末节的事情,不管是妳拥有的还是亏欠的,都不再重要。
1. the semantic role of the noun phrase that designating the time of the state or action denoted by the
2. not eternal
3. of or relating to or limited by time
4. of or relating to the temples (the sides of the skull behind the orbit)
5. of the material world
6. concerned with secular rather than sacred matters
7. of this earth or world