1. There is talk of demanding collateral even on deals with formerly unimpeachable sovereign entities. 传说现在即使和之前未陷入经济危机的国家之间的交易也开始需要抵押。
2. But after all, lu Hanlong thinks, the idea that combines commonweal career and company profit look is unimpeachable. 但不管怎么说,卢汉龙认为,将公益事业和企业利益相结合的思想无可指责。
3. In recent weeks investors have been flocking to buy Treasury bonds, relying on the unimpeachable credit of the American government. 过去数周来,有投资者开始琢磨购买美国长期国库券,因为美国政府的信用一向好像无懈可击。
1. beyond doubt or reproach
2. free of guilt; not subject to blame
3. completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach