1. The International Shark Attack File describes shark attacks as either provoked or unprovoked. �������㹥�������������㹥��Ҫô���ܵ������ƣ�Ҫô���ʵġ�
2. Because of this unprovoked dastardly attack by Japan, I ask that the Congress declare a state of war. ��Ϊ�ձ���������һ���ɵġ���ʽ��Ϯ������Ҫ���������ȫ������ս��״̬��
3. Scorn, bitterness, unprovoked malignity, gratuitous desire of ill, ridicule of whatever was good and holy, all awoke to tempt , even while they frightened him. ����ݶ�����Ե�ʵĶ��Ի��кʹ��⣻����������ʥ���������ӳ�Ū����һ��ȫ���ỽ����������˵�����ŵ�Ҫ����ȴ�����ջ�������
1. occurring without motivation or provocation