1. The words fell, unrelenting, on his ears. 冷酷无情的话传到他的耳里来。
2. The sidewalks seem emptier as pedestrians shield their eyes from the unrelenting glare off the cars and store windows. 人行道上的行人挡箭牌,似乎从一开始的汽车和商店的橱窗,不屈不挠的眼楮樽刺眼。
3. Branches of peripheral nerve are invaded by nests of malignant cells. This is often why pain associated with cancers is unrelenting. 神经末梢被恶性肿瘤细胞浸润,形成癌巢,这也是癌症病人晚期顽固性疼痛的原因。
1. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
2. never-ceasing