1. The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental. 实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西。
2. But the changing and confused social facts have showed that Mause's objective about modem society is a beautifully Utopian illusion. 但各种多变而混乱的社会事实表明莫斯的现代旨趣呈现的是一种乌托邦式的美妙幻想。
3. Why their shapes are like human? And is it necessary to make a Utopian anthropomorphosis? Why do humans do this, to make a machine like themselves? 为什么他们是人形?而且有必要做成理想化的人形吗?人类为什么要如此,想要做出和他们相似的形态呢?
1. an idealistic (but usually impractical) social reformer
2. of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia
3. characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection