1. Without affirmations, you may be what we may call wishy-washy about the idea. 没有肯定,对于思想你们可以,我们可以称空泛的。
2. Offhand, I can only recall something wishy-washy about honouring thy father and thy mother. 如果不事先准备,我只能想起一些关于尊敬父母的乏味说辞。
3. Time and tear may wash out all , the longer it lasts, the conflicts in the affection goes plainer, just like the washy tea. 能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。
1. overly diluted; thin and insipid
2. having lost freshness or brilliance of color