I come from a country famous for manufacturing Mecedes Benz cars. In 1990, two different states the East and the West reunified to become one country. The people were very happy. Berlin is now our capital city. I'm proud to live in Europe's largest ecomnomy and most populous nation.
My country is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. I live in the east part of London. I've lived here all my life, so I speak with a Cockney accent Cockney English is unique. It's got a lot of rhymes. Did you know we say, "apples and pears" instead of the word "stairs"And can you guess what "April showers" stand forYeah, you're right."April showers" are "flowers"!
I live in a country which produces a sparking wine called Champagne. For most people, eating well is very important.We spend an amazing amount of time thinking about, talking about, cooking and consuming good food and wine.We're famous for inventing the baguette, a long stick of bread.