1. 除接名词作宾语外,还通常接 wh-从句。如:
Words can’t describe her beauty. 言语无法形容她的美丽。
It’s difficult to describe how I feel. 很难描述我的感受。
Please describe exactly what happened. 发生了什么事,请原原本本说出来。
2. 不接双宾语。若语义需要,可用介词 to/for 引出间接宾语。如:
误:Can you describe me what you saw?
正:Can you describe what you saw to me?
正:Can you describe to me what you saw?
3. 表示“把……形容为(说成是)……”,通常与 as 连用。如:
She described him as shy. 她说他很害羞。
He describes himself as an aritist. 他自称是艺术家。
He was described as (being) very clever. 据说他很聪明。
4. 在现代英语中,其后可接动名词。如:
He described going downstairs and finding his motherlying on the floor. 他描述了他走下楼梯,发现他母亲躺在地板上。

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