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Ⅰ语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

Air travel makes some people very nervous. The crowds, the noise and flying itself can cause 1 . But there are classes people can take to help them 2 the fear of flying. And there is 3 training for service dogs that suffer the same problem.
Service dogs almost never 4 the side of the people they care for. You will see them working on buses, trains and other public 5 systems. But the busy environment found at an airport can 6 even the best trained working dog.
People with disabilities depend on their dogs. They want the animals to safely 7 them through security areas. They also need the dogs to remain 8 on duty on the airplane, even when the flying is not 9 . This takes special 10 . The Air Hollywood K9 Flight School is one place where such help can be found.
The school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights, sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flight. Dog trainers say 11 training is based on a simple rule: preparation. Dogs need to be exposed gradually and 12 to the environment, to loud noises, to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis, they're able to act in a way that they're used to acting and that they don't get 13 .
Dog owners who 14 the training at Air Hollywood K9 Flight School say they now feel much more at ease about future 15 . Their dogs also seem ready for takeoff.
1.A.trouble B. unease C. accidents D. diseases
2.A. defeat B. describe C. sense D. record
3.A.professional B. varied C. free D. similar
4.A.approach B. bark C. leave D. take
5.A. association B. running C. transport D. society
6.A. trouble B. attract C. interrupt D. instruct
7.A. follow B. guide C. train D. land
8.A.nervously B. stressfully C. calmly D. enthusiastically
9.A.speedy B. relaxing C. dangerous D. smooth
10.A. interest B. attention C. training D. procedure
11.A. previous B. cooperative C. academic D. successful
12.A. repeatedly B.abruptly C. occasionally D. instantly
13.A. bored B. excitable C. energetic D. fragile
14.A. attended B. inquired C. overlooked D. recommended
15.A. career B. flights C. security D. generations

第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

My Italian Grandmother was a wonderful woman. I always felt blessed growing up in her home 16 a boy. She worked hard, laughed loud, and was never afraid of 17 life threw at her.
When she fell and broke her hip in her eighties, my Dad 18 (force) to admit that he could no longer take care of her at home. It was with a heavy heart 19 Dad moved Grandmother into a nursing home.
Our whole family gathered together for her 90th birthday in the nursing home dining room. It was a wonderful celebration of her life and the love we all had 20 her.

Shortly after that birthday, however, life gave her the 21 (tough) challenge of all as age and illness started to take her mind from her too. The Dementia(痴呆) grew worse and worse. At times when I visited her she didn’t know 22 I was. During one of these visits I was holding her hand while she slept. When she awoke, her eyes stared at me and I could tell she didn’t recognize 23 . She looked down at my hand 24 (hold) hers and instead of pulling hers away, she smiled at me. Then she closed her eyes and went 25 (peace) back to sleep. I could see then that even though her mind didn’t remember me, her spirit still remembered love.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
absorption [əb'sɔ:pʃən]


n. 吸收,全神贯注

virus ['vaiərəs]


n. 病毒,病原体

supervise ['sju:pəvaiz]


vt. 监督,管理,指导

tire ['taiə]


n. 轮胎,金属圈
v. 使疲倦,厌烦

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

efficiently [i'fiʃəntli]


adv. 有效地





