1.scrub v.擦洗( to clean with hard rubbing);n.矮树(a stunted tree or shrub)
例:A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place.
2.scrubber n.刷子(one that scrubs):净气器(an apparatus for removing impurities especially from gases)
例:Installing scrubbers in smokestacks can reduce harmful emissions.
3.scrupulous a.谨慎的(meticulous);严格认真的(careful)
例:she is scrupulous to a degree.//The newcomer works with scrupulous care.
4.scrutinize v.仔细观察,审视(to examine closely)
例:Analysts scrutinized unemployment patterns according to skill level ethnicity, race, age, class, and gender.
5.scrutiny n.详细审查(examination);监视(surveillance);细看(a searching look)
例:In corporate purchasing, competitive scrutiny is typically limited to suppliers of items that are directly related to end products.
6.scuba n.水肺;水中呼吸器(an apparatus used for breathing while swimming underwater)
例:Archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and are accessible to anyone in scuba gear.
7.sculpture n.雕塑品(work produced by sculptor);雕塑(术)(the action or art of processing plastic or hard materials into works of art);v.雕刻(to cave, engrave)
例:This allegedly Roman sculpture was shown to be a forgery.//The art students all had to take a class in sculpture.// The potter sculptured the clay into an ashtray.
同根词:sculptor n.雕刻(塑)家
8.scurrilous a.粗俗的:诽谤的(vulgar, foulmouthed)
例:The magazine is constantly making scurn70us attacks on politicians.
9.seasonal a.季节的;周期性的( of, relating to, or varying in occurrence according to the season)
例:The seasonal variation in group size can probably be explained by a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.
派生词:seasonally( ad.季节性地;周期性地)
adj. 考古学的,考古学上的