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计算机专业英语教程第2版 第4期:应用软件

来源:可可英语 编辑:clover   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Applicationsoftware might be described as end-user software. Application software performsuseful work on general-purpose tasks such as word processing and costestimating. There are certain general-purpose programs that are widely used innearly all career areas. They are: word processing, electronic spreadsheets,graphic programs and so on. They are also called basic tools and have somecommon features.

Insert Point:The insert point or cursor shows you whereyou can enter data next. Typically, it is a blinking vertical bar on thescreen. You can move it around using a mouse or the directional arrow keys onmany keyboards.
Menus:Almost all software packages have menus.Typically,the menus are displayed in a menu bar at the top of the screen. Whenone of these is selected, a pull-down menu appears. This is a list of commandsassociated with the selected menu.
Help:Formost applications, one of the menus on the menu bar is Help. When selected, theHelp options appear. [1]These options typically include a table of contents, asearch feature to locate reference information about specific commands, andcentral options to move around.
Button Bars:Buttonbars typically are below the menu bar. They contain icons or graphicrepresentations for commonly used commands. This offers the user a graphicapproach to selecting commands. It is an example of a graphic user interface inwhich graphic objects rather than menus can be used to select commands.
Dialog Box:Dialogboxes frequently appear after selecting a command from a pull-down menu. Theseboxes are used to specify additional command options.
Scroll Bars:Scrollbars are usually located on the right and/or the bottom of the screen. Theyenable you to display additional information not currently visible on thescreen.
WYSIWYG:Pronounced "wizzy-wig", WYSIWYGstands for "What You See Is What You Get." This means that the imageon the screen display looks the same as the final printed document. Applicationprograms without WYSIWYG cannot always display an exact representation of thefinal printed document. The WYSIWYG feature allows the user to preview thedocument's appearance before it is printed out.
Function Keys:Function keys are labeled F1, F2, and so on.These keys are positioned along the left side or along the top of the keyboard.They are used for commands or tasks that are performed frequently, such asunderlining. These keys do different things in different software packages.
Now let'sintroduce respectively the most common used application software: wordprocessing, and spreadsheets.
Word processingsoftware is used to create, edit, save, and print documents. Documents can beany kind of text material. With word processing, you view the words you type ona monitor instead of on a piece of paper. After you finish your typing, saveyour words on diskettes or hard disk, and print the results on paper.
The beauty ofthis method is that you can make changes or corrections-before printing out thedocument. Even after your document is printed out, you can easily go back andmake changes. You can then print it out again. Want to change a report fromdouble spaced to single spaced? Alter the width of the margins on the left andright? Delete some paragraphs and add some others from yet another document? Aword processor allows you to do all these with ease. Indeed, deleting,inserting, and replacing—the principal correcting activities—can be done justby pressing keys on the keyboard. Popular word processing software are Word ,WPS and so on. They have some common features.
Word Wrap andthe Enter Key:One basicword processing feature is word wrap. When you finish a line, a word processordecides for you and automatically moves the insertion point to the next lines.To begin a new paragraph or leave a blank line, you press the Enter key.
Search and Replace:A search or find command allows you to locateany character, word, or phrase in your document. When you search, the insertionpoint moves to the first place the item appears. If you want, the program willcontinue to search for all other locations where the item appears. The replacecommand automatically replaces the word you search for with another word. Thesearch and replace commands are useful for finding and fixing errors.
Cut,Copy,and Paste:With a wordprocessor, you select the portion of text to be moved by highlighting it. Usingeither the menu or button bar, choose the command to cut the selected text. Theselected text disappears from your screen. Then move the insertion point to thenew location and choose the paste command to reinsert the text into thedocument. In a similar manner, you can copy selected portions of text from onelocation to another.
Spreadsheet:A spreadsheet is an electronic worksheet usedto organize and manipulate numbers and display options for analysis.Spreadsheets are used by financial analysts, accountants, contractors, andothers concerned with manipulating numeric data. Spreadsheets allow you to tryout various "what-if" kinds of possibilities. That is a powerfulfeature. You can manipulate numbers by using stored formulas and calculatedifferent outcomes.
A spreadsheethas several parts. The worksheet area of the spreadsheet has letters for columnheadings across the top. It also has numbers for row headings down the leftside. The intersection of a column and row is called a cell. The cell holds asingle unit of information. The position of a cell is called the cell address.For example, "A1" is the cell address of the first position on aspreadsheet, the topmost and leftmost position. A cell pointer—also known asthe cell selector—indicates where data is to be entered or changed in thespreadsheet. The cell pointer can be moved around in much the same way that youmove the insertion pointer in a word processing program. Excel is the mostcommon spreadsheet software. It has some common features of spreadsheet programs.
Format:Label is often used to identify informationin a worksheet, it is usually a word or symbol. A number in cell is called avalue. Labels and values can be displayed or formatted in different ways. Alabel can be centered in the cell or positioned to the left or right. A value canbe displayed to show decimal places, dollars, or percent. The number of decimalpositions can be altered, and the width of columns can be changed.
Formulas:One of the benefits of spreadsheets is thatyou can manipulate data through the use of formulas. Formulas are instructionsfor calculations. They make connections between numbers in particular cells.
Functions:Functions are built-in formulas that performcalculations automatically.
Recalculation:Recalculation or what-if analysis is one ofthe most important features of spreadsheets. If you change one or more numbersin your spreadsheet, all related formulas will recalculate automatically. Thusyou can substitute one value for another in the cells affected by your formulaand recalculate the results. For more complex problems, recalculation enablesyou to store long, complicated formulas and many changing values and quicklyproduce alternatives.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
insertion [in'sə:ʃən]


n. 插入,插入物

manipulate [mə'nipjuleit]


vt. 操纵,操作,控制,利用,(巧妙地)处理,篡改

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

preview ['pri:vju:]


n. 预审,查阅,预习,预告 vt. 事先查看,查阅,预

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

alter ['ɔ:ltə]


v. 改变,更改,阉割,切除

document ['dɔkjumənt]


n. 文件,公文,文档
vt. 记载,(用文件

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

reference ['refrəns]


n. 参考,出处,参照
n. 推荐人,推荐函<





