Teen births in the U.S. are declining, still, in 2012, more than 86,000 teens ages 15 to 17 gave birth.
Giving birth during the teen years has been linked to increased medical risks and emotional, social, and financial costs to the mother and her child.
We all need to help prevent teen pregnancy.

Health care providers, encourage teens to delay sexual activity and use effective birth control if they are sexually active; and provide confidential, culturally appropriate services for teens.
Parents, talk with your child about how and when to say “no” to sex; know where teens are and what they’re doing, especially after school; and be aware of their use of social media.
Teens, share the responsibility for preventing pregnancy with your partner, resist peer pressure to have sex, talk openly about sexual health with your parents and other adults you trust, and see a health care provider to learn about the most effective birth control methods.