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09年雅思口语新话题卡解析:A Picnic

编辑:王冬   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Describe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors

You should say:

where you had this meal
who was with you
what food you ate

and explain how you felt during this picnic or outdoor meal

暑假来了,挺忙的,距离上一次更新博客居然过了整整一个月。这个话题卡是2009年5月的新题,会在接下来的一年当中频繁考到。描述这个话题卡要注意说出来的资源尽量贴题,也就是我常说的要有营养。下面给大家一些老外描述野餐的素材,以作参考。继续用我最喜欢的Georgia线性字体…… 呵呵。

We went there on a sunny day full of fun, laughter, games, food, drink (yes! though it is illegal to drink in public places!) and lots of socializing and reminiscence.

* laughter 欢笑
* socializing 交际
* reminiscence 回忆

The picnic is a great place for new classmates to catch up with old friends, make new ones and even talk to the ones that they never noticed back in school. It is a great community gathering where everyone helps in some form or the other whether it is setting up the canopy, finding suitable places in the shade, carrying picnic tables across the park, serving the snacks, heating up the food, ensuring that all the glasses are full or just ensuring that everyone is having a good time.

* canopy 遮阳蓬
* shade 荫凉处
* snacks 零食

The picnic spot was a place called Kelso Park which is privately owned and is just across a lake. A very scenic spot with lots of places to play, have fun or just relax. It was a fascinating experience, though I didn't really catch up with any old mates.

* very scenic spot 很美的景点
* fascinating 吸引人的 迷人的

Beautiful scenery!! The park has beautiful views, lots of greens, and well maintained. Although parking is kind of expensive $8 for the weekend, and $7 for a weekday. My first time met this place and I fell in love with it! Lots of BBQ pits and definitely good park for picnic and just relaxing in sunny Marin.

* scenery 景色
* well maintained 保养很好的

So, went here Sat for a friend's birthday party. Beautiful picnic area under the redwoods. with adequate shade. The grassy area and picnic grounds overlook the blue water. The park is clean and the staff are helpful. Would definitely consider coming here again--it's just a little out of the way so good directions for your guests are a must.

* redwood 杉树
* grassy area 绿色区域 似草的区域

Beautiful scenery, helpful staff, and well maintained. We had a BBQ there last weekend and our guests were amazed that they hadn't been to this rare gem of the Bay Area before. The park staff helped us load all our party gear into their cart, drove us to our site, and unloaded everything. When we were done, they helped us load it all up again. It's not cheap to use the facility, but it's worth every penny.

* be amazed 被震惊
* rare gem 罕见的宝石
* it's worth every penny 物有所值

A picture perfect spot for a Bay Area wedding - that is actually right on the bay. Photo backdrop possibilities included gorgeous water, a dock, beautiful trees and flowers and the San Rafael Bridge.

* Photo backdrop 照片的背景
* dock 码头

There're dozens and dozens of picnic tables with grills. It's on the bay, with a fishing pier and a sweeping view of the Bridge. Two huge meadow areas to accommodate all the croquet, bocci, Frisbee, badminton, volleyball, or kite flying you could dream of. It has: well-staffed and well-maintained, a nice clean place to have a picnic and BBQ, and beautiful views and fishing is allowed. A bit pricey, $7 for parking...but the breathtaking views and non smelling bathrooms were worth it.

* grills 烤肉架
* fishing pier 渔码头
* sweeping view 清晰的视野
* meadow 草地
* croquet 门球 槌球
* bocci 草地滚球
* Frisbee 飞碟
* well-staffed 员工齐全 服务周到的
* breathtaking 令人吃惊的 令人兴奋的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cart [kɑ:t]


n. 手推车,(二轮)载货车
v. (用手推车

backdrop ['bækdrɔp]


n. 背景幕,背景

suitable ['sju:təbl]


adj. 合适的,适宜的
adv. 合适

meadow ['medəu]


n. 草地,牧场

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

canopy ['kænəpi]


n. 天篷,遮篷,苍穹

scenery ['si:nəri]


n. 布景,风景,背景

overlook [.əuvə'luk]


vt. 俯瞰,远眺,没注意到,忽视
n. 高出

gear [giə]


n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具
v. 使适应





