环保袋 (environment-friendly bags)
生物可降解 (biodegradable)
能源消耗 (energy consumption)
不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources)
出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)
Intellectual Property Right Law知识产权法
正版 (authentic/real/genuine copy)
盗版 (pirated/fake copy)
下载 (download) 下载文件链接 (download link)
打击 (crack down on/stamp out)
在线观看 (online video streaming)
睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to)
What the law is?
New Labour law 新劳动法
Traffic Laws 交通法
Environmental Protection law 环境保护法
Taxation law 税务法
New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定
One Child Policy 独生子女政策
When it went into effect?
Come into force
Go into effect
Become effective
Take effect
New Labour law 新劳动法:Jan, 2008
New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定: June, 2008
What contents?