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雅思口语激情之旅:College Life&Education Part 2

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Favourite class
Talk about a favourite class that you took in school. Tell the interviewer as much as you can about:
The subject and content
The teacher
Why it was your favourite and what you think you have learned from it.

准备过程中可以借鉴my favourite subject的内容,继续做引申,也要涵盖其他相关的问题:the most unforgettable lesson, the most inflential teacher。

Candidate 1: My favourite subject is microeconomics(微观经济学), our specialized course(专业课). There are many reasons. Firstly, the subject brings a totally different new perspective(视角) of thinking to me. Some economic phenomena seem common to us, and usually we don't give an in-depth(深入的,彻底的) thinking to them. However, with the help of kinds of curve diagrams(曲线图), the subject shows us professional explanations of them. Secondly, our teacher is knowledgeable(博学的). We all give him the highest respect. In his class, we always learn some unique insights(见解,洞察力) from him, which has broadened our mind. Thirdly, I am interested in economics. I believe this subject will be very useful for my future job.


Candidate 2: My favorite subject I took in school was Music Appreciation, one of my selective courses(选修课). Although I just learned it for one semester, the course had left a deep impression on(给某人留下印象) me. Our teacher was Miss Li, a beautiful girl who had graduated from an art institute for two years. As she was in the similar age with us, she know what we really wanted to acquire and how to carry our her class in a way we like.
In the class, we followed the teacher looking back to the music was a univeral language. People use varied sounds and rhythms(节奏) to convey(传达) their different feelings. We also enjoyed all kinds of music which were popular in the world, such as blues understanding about the life styles in different places around the world. Moreover, Miss Li told us to pay attention to the music lying in the nature, which would be helpful to better enjoy our everyday life.
The class was always interesting and exciting. There was no pressure for us to learn it at all. What's more, Miss Li offered us opportunities to act on the class. When it came to some new knowledge, she led us to play related games in order to enhance our interest.
In a word, I had no regret having selected the course.
结构完整,我们能清晰地分辨出Introduction,Main body和Conclusion。主体部分展开对教师教课风格和学习收获和感受的描述,准备得非常充分。

Candidate 3:My favorite course is an optional course(选修课) called Applied Ethics. It talks about the doubtful and uncertain points in Philosophy and Ethics(伦理课); it includes academic arguments in moral; it expresses how to behave approprivately on different occasions for human beings—And I was most impressed by a class from which we learnt the Envrionment and Ethics.
In that class, firstly the teacher taught us the concept and development of the Environment and Ethics. Then sheshowed us a video about The Extinction of Animal Cemetery(墓地). From it I know The Extinction of Animal Cemetery isa cemetery built for the extinct animals—when a kind of animal died out(灭绝的), they would build a sloppy(倾斜的) gravestone for it. With the establishment of gravestones one after one, the cemetery turns into a huge Domino and the human's ranks the third place in the countdown(倒数). The block of fallen gravestones(墓碑) has been warning us human should not crazily destruct the nature in order to protect ourselves. How shocking it is! In the end, the teacher let us discuss the problems and conflicts between human and animals. We all feel sad for that and want to do something to protect, respect and to be kind to the animals, and the nature.

课程选择的很特别,和环境保护(environmental protection)这一热点话题相关系,着力描述了一堂课的主要内容。

Candidate 4: My favorite class is Oral English, given by Mrs. Roth, an American woman. Mrs. Roth's teaching style is different. Her first class gave me deep impressions. One morning, when the class began, Mrs. Roth came in with a roll of toilet paper which had been divided into small pieces and told us today we would have a game. She mysteriously(神秘地) said that every one of us could take at least three pieces and the number was not limited. We are curious about(对……充满好奇) what she would do. Since I thought everything should be "The more, the better", I took six pieces. And when the paper you have taken. "Oh, my God." One suddenly yelled "I have to say ten aspects of myself, because I picked up ten pieces." Compared with him, I seemed luckier. If I had a chance again, I think I would choose the least. Something turned out to be "The less, the better."
In her class, we can learn knowledge at the same time practice on our initiative(发挥主观能动性), and I acquireknowledge as well as courage and confidence. In the class, she corrected our mistakes in pronuciations and taught us a lot of useful items. We gained knowledge in a relaxing and imaginative atmosphere. Sometimes we talked about the cultural difference between our country and America. Sometimes we share our views on the world famous literature. We talked about Mark Twin and philosophers like Aristotle and Confucius.
I really like this class. It is very different from our traditional lessons.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
establishment [is'tæbliʃmənt]


n. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威

acquire [ə'kwaiə]


vt. 获得,取得,学到

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

extinct [iks'tiŋkt]


adj. 灭绝的,熄灭的,耗尽的

ethics ['eθiks]


n. 道德规范

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

imaginative [i'mædʒinətiv]


adj. 富于想象力的



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

specialized ['speʃəlaizd]


专门的 专科的





