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名师:2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测

编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Describe a hobby you had/a thing you often did when you were a child. (such as a game or a sport)

  Describe a quiz show.(!)

  ☆Describe a book you enjoyed as a child (such as a storybook)

  ☆ Describe your favorite book. (just a biography of a famous person or和 都详细地介绍受过良好教育的英美人极为熟悉的书籍)

  ☆ Describe a book that you read several times.

  ☆Describe a foreign country you wish to visit.

  ☆Describe an interesting news story in a newspaper/ on TV.

  Describe a party you prepared for others. (Day 10)

  Describe an extreme sport. (Day 8:D)


  ☆ Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched. ( 从左侧任挑一种运动,点击后就有对该运动的最新赛事详细介绍了)

  ☆ Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.(Day 8 F 3: presentation)

  ☆ Describe an occasion when others congratulated you. (your graduation ceremony, getting good grades in the final exams, a great classroom presentation, and for married people, your wedding…)

  ☆ Describe something you and other people did together / Describe an occasion when you co-operated with others.

  Describe some advice/a suggestion your received before.(最容易准备的估计就是你决定出国的过程中父母和好朋友给你的建议,而且亲身经历能说得更“有料”,同时请参考Day 10十大弱智话题3)

  ☆Describe a conversation / dialogue (on the phone / mobile phone) that you enjoyed. (同上)

  Describe a situation when you needed help. (同上)

  ☆ Describe an occasion when you listened to music from another country. / Describe a musical event. (Day 8 F:音乐会)

  ☆ Describe a wedding.(同时可以用这个话题准备好Describe a special family event.以及Describe a family photo.)

  ☆Describe a special family event.

  Describe a skill you wish to learn. (For example, how to use a computer programme, you can also call a computer programme “an application” or simply “an app” / Cooking / making something by yourself)

  ☆ Describe something you learned recently.

  ☆ Describe your favorite subject.

  ☆ Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.

  ☆Describe a positive change in your life.

  Describe something you did on your computer(用电脑工作的本质就是使用软件 提供了最常见英文软件的基础知识)

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.(Day 10)

  ☆ Describe something that you wish to succeed in.

  ☆ Describe an important festival people celebrate in your country. / Describe a celebration. (Day 8: F & Day 10十大弱智话题第四个)

  ☆Describe a special meal.(Day 10)

  Describe a happy event.

  Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone or via email.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Describe a practical skill/ something you’re good at.

  Describe a letter you received. (Day 8: F)

  Describe a sports event.


  ☆Describe your favorite clothes. / an item of clothing (Day 8: E)

  ☆Describe a handicraft. / Describe something that was made by yourself. (Day 8:E or check out this link:

  ☆ Describe something you lost.

  ☆Describe an expensive thing you want to buy / the most expensive thing you’ve bought./ ☆Describe something you would buy if you had a lot of money.

  ☆ Describe an expensive thing you had when you were a child. (How about an expensive storybook ? )

  ☆ Describe something you wish to buy that is made in another country. / ☆Describe a foreign product you wish to buy (The new iPad for sure … So many new features like the Retina display (the sharpest tablet screen ever) , a faster A5X processor and a better camera. See iPad in Day 8 E.)

  ☆ Describe a gift you gave a friend / a gift you received before. / Describe a gift you will buy for a friend.

  Describe a childhood toy.(Day 8: kite)

  Describe something in your home that was broken or that didn’t work.

  Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer.(Day 8: E)

  ☆Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.(Day8 : E)

  弱智卡片(Day 10)

  ☆Describe a restaurant / a small shop you often go to with your family members and friends.

  ☆ Describe something that made you angry (or mad)./Describe a bad shopping experience.

  Describe a person who’s good at cooking. (Day 10)

  Describe a good law.

  Describe an old/antique thing in your family.

  Describe a place where you usually have lunch.

  以上就是2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测的全部内容,是由雅思名家慎小嶷发布的。雅思口语Part 2话题很多,但是总结起来可以分成不同的类别,方便大家的备考。最后祝大家考试顺利。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cashier [kæ'ʃiə]


n. 出纳员,收银员
vt. 解职,丢弃

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

celebrity [si'lebriti]


n. 名人,名誉,社会名流

biography [bai'ɔgrəfi]


n. 传记

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

usher ['ʌʃə]


n. 带位员,招待员 vt. 引导,护送 vi. 做招待

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试





