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来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

60. rote learning 死记硬背
61. concentrate one's attention on 关注……
62. student-oriented education 以学生为主体的教育
63. bias of culture 文化偏见
64. cradle of culture 文化摇篮
65. mainstream culture 主流文化
66. system of education 教育体制
67. tap one's potential 挖掘某人的潜能
68. go astray 误入歧途
69. commit crimes 犯罪
70. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. 教育不是注满木桶水,而是点燃生命的火ambiguity 歧义
71. denotation 字面意思
72. connotation 暗含意思
73. impractical 不切实际的
74. intellectual development 智力发展
75. interaction 交流
76. thinking capacity 思考能力
77. universal language 世界语
78. linguistic studies 语言学研究
79. a means of communication 一种交流工具
80. mechanical translation 机械翻译
81. untranslatable 不宜翻译的
82. develop linguistic skills 培养语言技能
83. verbal communication 口头交流
84. grammatical rules 语法规则
85. context 语境
86. core 核心
87. translation 笔译
88. interpretation 口译
89. a complex progress 一个复杂过程
90. cream 精华
91. cultivate logical thinking 培养逻辑思维
92. obscure 晦涩的
93. readability 朗朗上口
94. an unrealistic dream 一个不切实际的梦想
95. comprehensive knowledge 全面的知识
96. communicate with others directly, and freely 与他人直接自由交流
97. face-to-face communication 面对面交流
98. stimulate one's interest 激发了……的兴趣
99. artificial intelligence 人工智能
100. help children learn a foreign language in a more vivid and interactive way 帮助孩子更生动,互动地学习一门外语
101. miraculous 令人惊叹的
102. increase efficiency 提高效率
103. easy accessibility 易于操作
104. make astounding advances 突飞猛进
105. enrich the teaching and learning methods 丰富了教学手段
106. expertise 专业知识
107. flourishing 繁荣兴旺的
108. speedy communication 快速的交流
109. read between the lines 读懂暗含的意思
110. language acquisition 语言习得
111. term 术语
112. implication 含义
113. be fully aware of... 充分意识到……
114. optimistic 乐观的
115. pessimistic 悲观的
116. drawback 弊端
117. precious gift 宝贵的礼物
118. linguist 语言学家
119. mission impossible 不可能的任务

文章关键字: 雅思考试 核心 词汇





