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来源:新东方在线 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


  Part I:极速词法

  1、handsome adj. 英俊的

  2、brother n. 兄弟

  3、college n. 学院,大学

  4、funny adj. 滑稽的,有趣的

  5、family n. 家庭

  6、originally adv. 最初,原本,原先

  7、speak vt. 讲(某种语言),讲话

  8、dialect n. 方言

  9、learn vt. 学习

  10、French n. 法语

  11、would 将(will的过去时)

  12、be able to 能够

  13、understand vt. 理解,明白

  14、watch n. 手表

  15、weather n. 天气

  16、cloudy adj. 阴天的

  17、standard adj. 标准的

  18、mandarin n. 普通话,官方话

  Part II:极速句法


  Tom: Where are you from, Jessie?

  Jessie: Well, my family is here in Suzhou, but we're from Shandong originally.

  Tom: Oh, my mother is from Shandong.

  Jessie: She is?

  Tom: Yes, she is from Qingdao. Are you from Qingdao?

  Jessie: No, we're from Jinan.

  Tom: Do you speak Shandong dialect?

  Jessie: Sometimes. But most of the time, I speak putonghua—the standard mandarin Chinese.


  Emma: Who's that handsome young man?

  Carol: He's my brother.

  Emma: Wow! He's cute. What's his name?

  Carol: James. We call him Jim. He's in college here in Suzhou.

  Emma: Oh, how old is he?

  Carol: He's twenty-one years old.

  Emma: What's he like? I bet he's nice.

  Carol: Yes, he is. And he's very funny, too!


  1. Where are you originally from, Mr.Gao?

  2. I'm from Suzhou originally.= I'm originally from Suzhou.

  3. I'm learning French now.—You are?

  4. I can still speak Shandong dialect?

  5. If I speak Suzhou dialect, you wouldn't be able to understand me.

  6. I speak English most of the time.

  7. Do you speak English most of the time?

  8. Look at that handsome young man! Wow! He's cool!

  9. How cute your new watch is!

  10. What do you call that in English?

  11. My sister goes to college in Shanghai.—She does?

  12. How old is your little brother?

  13. What's the weather like today?

  14. It's cloudy.

  15. I bet you don't know my brother Tom.—Yes, I do.

  16. I bet you don't know how to say this in English.—No, I don't.

  17. Bill is such a funny person. All the girls in our class like him.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

dialect ['daiəlekt]


n. 方言


关键字: 英语 急速 雅思




