4. 动物与人类的关系/ 人们对此动物的印象
1) ... is the best company.
2) ... are widely believed as _____________
3) Most Chinese admire it as a symbol of ___________
4) The qualities I associate with them are___________
此处呼应一下引入的部分,作为从动物生活习性的介绍到对动物印象介绍的过渡。同样填入一些代表动物性格特征的名词,如狮子对应Cold-blooded killers或着brave warrior, which has a lot to do with its actual natural,老虎对应strength and fierceness等,可参考引入部分的列举。
5) ... are depicted as _____________ creatures.
6) Some people at first suppose that polar bears are ________animals. However, they are, actually, _______ animals. (r.f. reading material)
作用同上,只是这个句型中需要填写代表个性的形容词,如:social/ solitary/ trustworthy/ fascinating/ tame/ easy-to-train/ (fox) sly/ (mule) stubborn/ (pig) messy and lazy等。
7) I don't think many Chinese know that this special breed of _______ is all but wiped out/ died out in the wild. I hope more efforts will be made in the future to protect the ______'s environment. Without the forests they live and hunt in, ______ can only exist in captivity.
Mandarin Ducks, which are referred to by the Chinese as Yuan-yang, are frequently featured in oriental arts and are regarded as a symbol of conjugal affection and loyalty. The Mandarin Duck is a medium-sized perching duck, which is approximately half-a-meter long. The adult male is a striking and unmistakable bird. The common characteristics of it include a large/ small body with a red bill, reddish face and "whiskers". The female is usually paler than the male. Mandarins may form small flocks in winter, but rarely associate with other ducks. In the wild, Mandarin Ducks breed in densely wooded areas near shallow lakes, marshes or ponds. They nest in trees close to water and during the spring, the females lay their eggs in the tree's cavity after mating. The males take no part in the incubation, simply leaving the female to secure the eggs on her own. Although this characteristic seems quite cold-blooded, the Mandarin Duck symbol is still widely used in Chinese weddings, because in traditional Chinese lore they have the reputation of wedded bliss and fidelity. However, they are rarely raised as pets in China.