Part 1永恒考点
[Personal information]: Hometown/ Study/ Accommodation/Family/Hobby/Relationship
[Media/Arts]: TV/Newspaper /Music/ Film/ Advertisement
[Public Place]: Museum/ Library/ Zoo/ Park/ Garden
[Useful Skill]: Drive/ Cook/ Housework/ Swim
[Festival/ Celebration]: Gift/ Customs/ Event/ Birthday/ Wedding/ Festival
[Nature/ Environment]: Animal/ Pets/ Flowers/ Plant/ Bird
[Lifestyle]: Radio/ Pub/ Drink/ Evening/ Disease/ Travel
[Traditional Culture]: Drama/ Opera/ Traditional Music
[Local Cuisine]: Local Food/ Fruit/ Snack
Part 2 永恒考点
[People]: Famous person/ Old man/ Friend
[Object]: Electronic equipment/ a piece of clothes/ a foreign product
[media]: Film/ Advertisement/ Song/ Book
[Place]: Trip/Place near water/ Street/ Historic Building
[Event]: Angry/unforgettable experience; Festival/ Party/Meal/ Job
[People]: Famous Host/ Well-known writer/ Person from recent news/ Neighbor from your
childhood/ Someone you have lived with
[Object]: a gift you would like to send to your parents/ an unusual furniture you have
[Media]: a piece of advertisement which made you buy something/ a popular song in your
country/ a story about your culture
[Place]: a noisy place/ a place which is good for exercise/ a place you visited which is not
famous/ a journey you went with other people
[Event]: a help you received by a stranger/ an exciting sports event you have watched/ a
special moment from your school life/ an important email you received